Monday, May 2, 2011

I am a Canadian.
A free Canadian.
Free to speak without fear,
Free to worship in my own way,
Free to oppose what I belive wrong,
Free to stand for what I think is right,
Free to choose those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for
Myself and all mankind.

This was adapted from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, on July 1st, 1960. I couldn't agree more. As free Canadians, it is only right that we respect our freedom and vote. This year, many of my friends have turned 18 and had the pleasure of voting in the federal election today. Unfortunatly, I did not get to share in this privelage. My 18th birthday is tomorrow, May 3rd. So I missed voting in my first election by a mere day. However, when the next election comes around, I will be a proud Canadian and stand up for my beliefs. I will do what I badly wish I could have done today- vote.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a big day in Canadian politics, and an important day for Canadian agriculture. I hope the outcome is one that will support our farmers and ranchers.
