Thursday, May 19, 2011

Born This Way?

It seems like Lady GaGa's involvement in the Facebook game "FarmVille" has been a common post idea today, but I thought I would talk about another agricultural aspect that GaGa had a big part in.
Last year at the MTV Video Music Awards, the shock pop singer wore quite a shocking outfit: a dress, hat, shoes, and bag made completely out of raw meat. A pretty normal outfit for her, but a surprise to all of us.

A beautiful piece of work
Gaga wore the dress as a message to all of her fans. She stated that "If we don't stand up for what we believe in, we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're gonna have as much rights as the meat on our bones." Not surprising at all, the dress offended many animal rights groups including PETA. PETA strongly disagreed with GaGa's choice in dress as "meat is the decomposing flesh of a tormented animal who didn't want to die." Hmm. Animal rights groups such as PETA often look at the slaughter of animals as cruel and ununnecessary. By making slaughter look like a disgusting thing, they attempt to lead more and more people to vegetarianism and veganism. The picture that they create is in fact, not accurate at all.

Thanks to the positive changes made at stockyards and feedlots, market beef animals don't live in cruelty (I will talk more about these changes later). Many have become humane and the animals are treated well. We live in Alberta, Canada's biggest beef province. This is cattle country, and this is how  we make our living in. Nobody knows more about this industry than we do. We need to educate those naive in the subject about the truths of animal slaughter. Please visit the links for more information and I will discuss these matters later!

And one last note: Thank you GaGa, we fully support your clothing choice!

Visit this site for the whole story on GaGa's controversial outfit!

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