Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Walk in the Country

So I think now we all know the importance of agriculture to the sustainability of the world, but agriculture also plays a part in tourism and recreation. Just southeast of Calgary, the Muchka family runs the place for agriculture fun- the Calgary Corn Maze, Petting Zoo, and Pumpkin Patch! From the end of July to mid-October, people of all ages from everywhere come to visit this new and fun attraction!

Corn mazes, as everyone knows, are mazes cut from corn crops. Many mazes are cut so that they show a design or some words. The success of the corn crop determines the success of the maze. There is often a range of stalk heights and the strength of them will differ as well. There should be about 20,000 plants per acre and the whole group should be planted from mid to late May. The corn will start growing taller in the summer months. In late July it will often be 5 feet tall, and at the end of August, it will be at its peak of 8 feet tall. The corn will then be harvested around mid to late October as it will be ready to be eat!

Almost all of the games and activities at the corn maze are agriculturally oriented. Besides the maze, there is also a pumpkin patch where people of all ages can pick pumpkins for Jack O'lanterns, painting, cooking, and for pies. The petting zoo is also a much enjoyed attraction. Young children love the small barnyard animals, such a miniature horses and donkeys, pigs, sheep, goats, and many more! Other activities include pig races, tractor rides, duck races, treasure hunts, and so much more!

Corn mazes have become popular tourist attractions, as it provides farm fun for people of both rural and urban backgrounds. Many people have also visited the maze through field trips, social groups, and youth group trips. The age range proves that you can never be too old to enjoy some classic farm fun. The corn maze is an excellent place for agricultural entertainment. It is really neat that agriculture can play a role in such a wide variety of things, including recreation. I am making sure that I will be able to take a trip to the Calgary Corn Maze this summer to experience the fun that so many people have enjoyed!

Please visit the link below to plan your trip to the Corn Maze!

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